Clay, Paper, Wire, Plaster & Tape

Students in a reading recovery program in Baltimore, MD were reading "The Talking Cloth" While facilitating ceramics work with Baltimore Clayworks, I introduced them to the African symbols and their meanings. Each student had to select a symbol that had special meaning to them or their community. They carved reliefs, or built up with coils.

VA Standard 6-7: Applies concepts and ideas from another discipline and its topics as sources of ideas for own artworks. Materials: popsicle sticks, water in spray bottles and 12 x 12" drywall blocks.

Art installation in Concourse B at the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta.

With a focus on form more than efforts toward realism, students worked toward solidifying round forms as well as flat forms through the use of a wooden block and tools. Display in Community Arts Gallery, Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, MD.