My students have ranged in age from 5 to 30. Each has been as diverse as the art forms. Students who've said "I can't draw" became believers and expressed themselves through visual art expertly. Students who're advanced are allowed to hone in on their craft to find what motivates them and develop their voice.
Student Work
Check out the links to see galleries of student work by the medium. This work doesn't begin to show the complete activities that my students have participated in. You know there's always that memorable lesson that you were caught up in teaching, and so you didn't get it documented? There were many of them. You'll see the artwork, but I see the process that got to the work. I don't teach by exemplar alone, I create activities that get them up and moving, and thinking about the history and theory of the art they create. I engage them in discussions, writing and analyzing and most of all critical thinking. You'll see that in the slides.